Why Your Home Needs French Drains
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  • Zups Construction

Why Your Home Needs French Drains

Updated: Apr 11, 2023

Man digging out french drain in driveway to clean out

If you're unfamiliar with a French drain, you might wonder if you need one. If so, this article will walk you through its benefits, pros, and cons. Also, it will explain how they are installed. Read on to learn when to install a French drain in your home. You'll be glad you did! Hopefully, this article has been helpful. If not, keep reading!

How French Drain Works

If you are having trouble with water drainage in your basement or foundation, you may want to learn more about how a French drain works. This type of drainage system works by funneling rainwater away from your foundation, where it will collect in a gravel trench and then travel through a pipe to a safe place away from your home.

The Pros and Cons of French Drain

Considering installing a French drainage system in your home, you'll likely be interested in the cost and benefits. The pros of installing a French drain are many, including the ability to reduce surface water runoff and improve the appearance of your lawn and property. In addition, you may want to install a French drainage system if you're planning to sell your home in the near future. The pros and cons of adding a French drain system to your home are listed below.

Installing a French drainage system is a good option for homeowners with sloping terrain. The drainage system can direct stormwater away from your property while at the same time preventing clogging and weed growth. It can also be a great way to dry up a soggy yard. The installation of a French drain is relatively easy to do. Installing one is simple, and the water drains to a suitable area.

How Are French Drains Installed?

Why Your Home Needs French Drains

A French drain system collects water from your yard and carries it to a storm drain near your home. The best way to install a French drain is to have it slope away from the building. Otherwise, it will not work as intended, as it will have to expend more energy to move the water out of the drain system. Additionally, a flat drain is not good at removing subsurface water. The last thing you want is a pooling problem!

The first step in installing a French drain is to grade the ground to one inch per couple of feet.

After you've marked the correct area:

  1. Dig a drainage trench. You should aim for a slope of one inch for every eight feet of drainage pipe length.

  2. Tie a level string between two stakes to determine the right slope.

  3. Once you've positioned the level string, measure the distance from the stake to the bottom of the trench. You can also use a level to check the slope of the trench and ensure it leads to the right drainage destination.

When You Need a French Drain

If you have a drainage problem in your home, you may consider installing a French drain. You're not the only one with this need. You may also consider installing one to protect your home from water damage. But how do you decide when to install a French drain? Here are some things you should know before you start digging the trench. A good shovel is necessary. If you plan to dig a long trench, you may want to purchase a small tool from Home Depot. It's important to remember that a French drain must have a downward slope in the perforated pipe. Otherwise, a French drain will never be effective and flood your home.

Before installing a French drain, you need to determine where the water will go. You may want it to drain into the city storm drain, a municipal sewer, or a waste area. In your home, however, you should avoid installing a French drain that drains into a neighbor's yard, as this could cause damage to their landscaping. Alternatively, you can consider a non-structural solution such as a cistern or an underground drainage system.

Potential flooding damage to French Drain

Water damage in basement caused by sewer backflow due to clogged sanitary drain

Before installing a French drain, it is important to understand city codes and neighbors' needs. Before digging, contact your local utility company to mark underground lines. The depth of your drain should be eight inches or less, depending on how deep you intend the water to run. Depending on the French drain you install, this process can take anywhere from three to five days. You should contact your local utility company to learn the available methods for marking underground lines during this time.

A French drain is a necessary part of a property that helps solve drainage problems and prevent flooding. Often, water will accumulate against walls and foundations. As a result, these areas will begin to rot. If the water does not drain, seepage into the crawlspace can cause major damage, including rotting wood. Using a French drain to relieve these conditions is an excellent solution to avoiding expensive repairs and repairing property damage.

The Bottom Line

If you're in the process of constructing your dream home or workspace, then you know that it's a lot more than just an idea—it takes time, effort, and dedication to bring it to fruition.

We at Zups want to ensure that you and your family or team get the best possible space because you know how big a project is ahead of you. Contact us if you need to have your french drain installed.

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